International Speaker
With vast experience in the world of Neuroscience and the Psychology of human behaviour, Dr. Colleen Lightbody is a sought-after, high-impact global speaker. She has an engaging and passionate style with a great expanse of knowledge in her field. She is becoming known as the Brain Guru. Colleen has spoken at two TEDx events, receiving a standing ovation in Hyderabad in 2015.
International Talks
BrainWise Global Speaker
It is Sunday 20 September 2015. My heart is racing as I look out into the dark auditorium, filled with over 500 people. The locale is the fragrant, sixteenth-century city of Hyderabad in India. I stand in the middle of a large red dot placed on the stage.[1] For the first time, I will share my story with the world. Some of my closest family and friends have never heard my mini “Hero’s Journey” (Campbell, 1949), a recounting of the catalytic events that have led to this momentous occasion.
(The Big Red Dot – Ted talks are known for the large red dot on the stage, within which limits a speaker must stay, for the duration of their presentation.)
Some examples of talks she has done include:
Creating The Sacred Space – Crafting powerful and productive dialogue
Integrating the Science of the Brain and the Art of High Performance and Wellbeing. A practical approach to Personal Mastery
The Neuroscience of Coaching Alchemy: The Science Behind the Magical Process of Coaching Transformation
The Neuroscience of Personal Mastery
The Way of the Compassionate Warrior – Leadership in Challenging Times
The Way of the Mindful Warrior – Integrating The Science of the Brain and the Art of Mindfulness
The Neuroscience of Personal Mastery through Complexity and Change
Leadership in the Dark – Navigating Leadership through Personal Adversity
The Way of the Mindful Warrior – A Journey through Liminality and Possibility
The Neuroscience of Tech Tornado’s and Digital Delusions (NS and Technology)
The Seductive Tyranny Of ‘Busy’
Navigating the Labyrinth of Life and Loss (Trauma/Grief And the Brain)
Three Rules for Powerful Leadership in Challenging Times
Neuro-Nasty or Neuro-Nimble? Are your habits supporting or sabotaging you and your brain
Learning And the Brain on Platform 9 ¾
Mind Warriors - The Neuroscience Of Coaching Habits And Addiction
Coaches Creating Castles: Through Embodying the Philosophies and Principles of Coaching
Awake, Aware, Arise – A Tale Of Two Bridges, And Two Brain’s – Bridging the Gap between Management and Leadership
Lockdown with the Sabre-tooth tiger
Generational Theory And Neuroscience
Coaching in the Muddy Swamp: Channelling your Inner Warrior to Conquer Adversity
The Impact Of Technology On The Brain
Lifetime Brain Health
Brain-Based Study Skills
The Tao Of Talent Management
Forget About Forgetting
The Art Of Temper-Control
The Neuroscience Of Self-Discipline
The Brain On The Bike
The Brain – Fad Or Fabulous
Goal Setting
Spirituality In The Workplace
Masterful Teams
Facilitating Change
Science Of Happiness
The Adolescent Brain
Ageing And The Brain
Neuroscience of Sport Performance
Parenting From A Brainwise Perspective
The Neuroscience Of Sleep
The Neuroscience Of Female Leadership
Effective Communication
Social Brain (Collaboration)
The Neuroscience Of Addiction
Decision Making And Problem Solving
The Brilliantly Malleable Mind
Get Out Of The Feather Bed
In The Zone – High Performance Mastery
The Neuroscience Of Safety
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Speaking Testimonials
"It's been an absolute privilege and pleasure to learn from you..." - Ch
It's been an absolute privilege and pleasure to learn from you.. your simplicity, humility and profundity are stunning and exemplary.
Thanks for being part of my learning journey
"a fantastic mind opening and fun day of learning" - Aine
After a fantastic mind opening and fun day of learning about ourselves and Neuroscience, I went home and watch your TEDx talk. I was glad I watched it after meeting you in a way, as already I felt you were a fantastic and passionate teacher as well as coach, but after listening to your story, it really touched me, more than that is mind blowing what you have achieved yourself and the life you have given to your children. Am very proud to share this link with friends and family and say, watch this... This is my teacher!! Thank you for sharing this publicly through the TEDx forum.
"Thank you for your generosity of spirit and wisdom" - Divya
Thank you for your generosity of spirit and wisdom. All of us have been 'infected' in a BIG way. My endeavor will be to imbibe the character strengths and skills you modeled for us and make a difference to the lives of those I meet.
"it was your magical storytelling style that had everyone mesmerised yet reflective" - Amit Singh
Colleen, it was your magical storytelling style that had everyone mesmerised yet reflective. The sessions were such a good blend of theory , storytelling / humour and experience. Thank you for your commitment .
Amit Singh
"Crisp, clear, energising presence." - Michael
Crisp, clear, energising presence. You come across as powerful yet respectful of the participants and their thought process. You carry yourself so well. Your energy in front of the room is exceptional. you injected some energy in the group when needed.
Speaking Topics
Mastery Through Mindfulness
A unique model of mindfulness based in sound, academic, neuroscience research.
A process that supports personal and professional leadership transformation through: The Way of the Mindful Warrior
The process requires an individual to deeply reflect and challenge them strategically. To consciously use the brain to manage the mind for its best purpose. This in turn allows focused and effective behaviour and results.
Masterclass: Your Brilliant Brain
Inform and empower self and others to unimagined success through understanding how the brain works and using it strategically
Brain Structure
Brain Function
Neuroplasticity: Mindset; Habits; Managing change;
PFC: Remembering and Forgetting; Decision making and problem solving; Self-Control; Paying attention.
Limbic System: Emotional Regulation; Understanding and Influencing Others; Managing Self.
Interest Areas: Sleep and Dreaming; Cognitive Bias; Male and Female Brain; Diversity; Growth mindset.
Brainwise: Healthy Brain Habits for Life
Leadership: The Art and Science of Conscious Leadership
A Leadership program with a difference. Leaders are encouraged to learn and embed key leadership qualities through a focused application of neuroscience principles.
Masterclass: Brain-Wise, Body-Wise, Being-Wise
Mastery Through Mindfulness: The Way Of the Mindful Warrior
‘The way of the mindful warrior’, is an approach for engaging with mindfulness in a personal, professional and spiritual leadership context.
The pace of life, the rate of knowledge acquisition and the broad range of opportunities for cerebral, social, hedonistic, technological, materialistic and pharmaceutical engagement in the 21st century have resulted in the failure to cultivate a conscious, present-centred and intentional approach to life for many people. This has resulted in disharmony, heart disease, cancer, depression, anxiety, conflict and chronic discontent, as well as other cognitive, social, psychological and interpersonal ailments Research indicates a 45 per cent increase in stress levels over the last 30 years. Hassad states, “if trends continue, mental health issues, particularly anxiety and depression, are predicted to be the single major burden of disease within the next two decades”.
To counter this depressing prediction, Eckhart Tolle refers to an enlightened consciousness, which has been a central tenet of spiritual wisdom and is spreading in practices of personal development across the globe. He emphasises one’s true nature, which is one’s “innermost invisible and indestructible essence”. Although every human carries a “blueprint for dysfunction”, this can be transcended through a “transformed state of human consciousness” that is, by becoming mindful.
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